Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We are too old and Grey

hi people!
well.. i'm here not to talk about love, shopping or about my daily activities... i wanted to talk about something that's more serious, something that u guys should think about.. Malaysia... maybe we can see Malaysia is growing up rapidly through the decades... but we didn't realizes that US is 10 years ahead of us.. and Malaysia is still 10 years back from them... that is WOW! surprisingly WOW! I've never expected that Malaysia is too old and grey... I didn't mean to criticize my own country.. this is my thought and i think the rest of Malaysian must have been thought about it too.. US, they have free wifi where they can access the internet anywhere at any time... Malaysia? we  have to use broadband and we have to pay for it.. in US they're using iphone 5 now.. and Malaysia.. iphone 4 is the latest : / how come Malaysia can be this outdated... i can see that the government trying so hard to develop our country... but know... this make me realizes that we have to chase for developments.. not waiting for the developments.. the youngsters must have bigger ambition to develop our country.. they must be prepared for future developments... they must 'dream big' and try to live their dreams..when i walked around Bukit Bintang .. all i can see is a young generation of our nation with no direction..The Malay community especially... i get upset when i see Malay youngsters with rudeness.. no respects to other people and among themselves..with indecent behavior.. sometimes i feel ashamed of myself.. and for Malaysia..supposedly we have to show our respects.. our good manners to the tourist.. we are the Malaysian next generation.. we're the one who have to continue to build our own country.. if we continue to be like this, i don't have any idea what will happen to our country in the future..hello orang melayu! wake up!


  1. paieee!!!!!hehehe follow la blog kak bey..kak bey nye blog ni kak bey gune balek.....kak bey dh follow dh blog paie

  2. sokong!!!!!!kak bey teringin nak rasa environment kat sana....nk tgk flora n fauna sana..kat malaysia hijau je...bosan....

  3. keennn kak bey... huhuhuhu ok im following u.. huhuhu...


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